Yahoo! Sports: Rockies: Jailbird Pitcher Colorado Rockies' pitcher Bobby Chouinard has been sentenced to a year in jail for a conviction of aggravated assault after abusing his wife. He will not miss any time during the season as he will three-month sentences during the next four offseasons.
You don't need me to tell you that Bobby did a bad thing, and given the descriptions of the crime, jailtime seems entirely appropriate.
What I find interesting is the sentencing. It was an effort to allow Chouinard continue pitching while serving his time. I wonder if I would get similar consideration being a college professor. Could I serve my sentence during summer break? I might actually get some research done if I were forced to sit in prison for three months each summer.
A pro ballplayer has a unique career in that they are usually done by age 33, 34 or 40 if they are incredibly good. This sentence seems to acknowledge the fact Chouinard will be out of a job soon enough without incarceration to accelerate the process.