Yahoo! Sports: Yankees and O'Neill have tentative $6.5 million agreement
I think this is a bad deal for the Yankees. I guess if they sign Ramirez, they will move O'Neill to left, but he just didn't look like he had all that much left in the tank. Perhaps he was injured, but for this much money I would have let him go preferably to one of my competitors.
Yankee RFers had a .759 OPS last year, with 31 doubles and 22 home runs. The AL RFers had an .810 OPS with 35 doubles and 25 home runs. I suppose he could have a last hurrah season, but O'Neill's most similar thru age 37 is
Fred Lynn and he wasn't particularly productive in his final season. In fact of the top 10 sims, 6 retired at age 37, and only Dave Parker did anything of note past age 37.
Branch Rickey always thought you should get rid of players a year early instead of a year late. I think the Yankees are changing that to two years late.