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Outside the Box

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Tuesday, December 12

Yahoo! Sports: MLB - A-Rod's signing puts baseball on road to disaster

In the latest monetary jolt to a sports landscape which constantly one-ups itself in the race to financial ruin, prized free agent Alex Rodriguez agreed to a quarter-billion dollar deal with the Rangers in a contract that spans the next decade.

Three players and a half a billion dollars later, the worry warts are out in force. Attendance is high, the best decade ever, the television contract is the largest ever. Cities are falling over themselves to build new stadiums for teams. Minor league baseball is wildly popular.

Does this look to you like baseball is in bad shape? On a scale of -100 to 100, I'd put baseball's health at about 65. Revenue sharing would be a good addition, but overall the game has a lot going for it.

Critics are unable to give the owners credit for knowing something about their business. Tom Hicks is almost positive Alex Rodriguez will make him a truckload of money. The Boston Red Sox know that they will now sell out Fenway (at the highest prices in the league) almost every night. In a Boston Globe poll, 75% of the respondents, felt Manny was worth the money, 75%!

Revenues drive the player salaries and not the other way around. The next time you feel like complaining about the price of a ticket look first at yourself and then the other 30,000 people willing to shell out $30 for the privilege of watching the most talented baseball players in the world.

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