The Pulse - Ball ForeSteve Wulf doesn't like the redistribution draft idea. I hadn't considered the race to the bottom factor, but that would be a bit disturbing if it happened.
I would be curious as to the teams being drafted from and drafting over the last 15 years. Perhaps, I'll get off my tuckus and look at that in the near future.
I really think the best change that could be made is added revenue sharing. I know that many of you will argue that this removes the impetus for a team to improve, but I do think that their opponents deserve a good chunk of the Yankees TV contract (probably 50%). You would likely need to add a minimum payroll.
A more interesting idea is that an owner who goes five years without a winning record is forced to sell the team.
Sorry for the boring comments, but I don't have much to say until ESPN updates Rumor Central?